. This form of resistance allows a new language to develop.


08.04. - 13.05.2022
super bien! berlin de

Homeostasis is a search for balance, for equilibrium. The phenomenon of homeostasis is most directly related to physiology and refers to living organisms treated as closed systems. However it is possible to apply the theory to a broader context, such as social change. As a concept it is always associated intrinsically with living organisms as their foremost technique for survival.

So what happens to an organism that has not achieved homeostasis, or for which homeostasis has been disturbed? The organism will try to return to it at any cost. If it cannot do this, the phenomenon of change will occur. It could last for some time and lead to irreparable consequences, including complete breakdown. But of course there are exceptions when, for example, the organism adapts to the new reality and begins again to try to achieve homeostasis. An example would be standing on one's hands; it has been proven, contrary to what was once thought, that standing on one's hands and living "upside down" does not cause death but instead forces the body to act differently, establishing homeostasis within the confines of the modified state.

The components of FEEDBACK occur in two parts: a series of wall drawings and a sculpture with milk.

We as people have developed a very complex and multi-layered symbolism for milk, which stems directly from its essential nature: as mammals, first coming into contact with mother's milk is an unconscious process occurring in the first weeks and months of our dependent lives. As we grow away from the mother, our continued consumption of milk becomes related to a kind of return to this natal period, and the material format of this return occurs predominantly through cow's milk.

In the production and consumption of nourishment, in the seeking of equilibrium, we experience the process of feedback. Feedback is the interaction of the final (output) state signals of a process or system, with its reference (input) signals. Everyone in his own system is also his own observer, if (s)he receives clear information through feedback about the state (s)he is in, this fact immediately and dramatically changes perception and function (outcome).

Feedback, 2022
magnets, human milk, metal, cooper, plastic, glass, paper, 20x20x25 cm
Feedback, 2022
magnets, human milk, metal, cooper, plastic, glass, paper, 20x20x25 cm
Feedback, Stroboskop Art Space, 2022, exhibition view
Feedback, 2022
magnets, human milk, metal, cooper, plastic, glass, paper, 20x20x25 cm
Feedback, Stroboskop Art Space, 2022, exhibition view